Journey Church

Cottonwood, Arizona

2022 – Present

Renovations and Additions to the existing I Story slump block Church, built in 1972.

Renovations: 10,155 s.f., Additions: 4,503 s.f., TOTAL PROJECT: 14,658 s.f.

Renovations include Administrative Office renovations thru-out, alterations to the Worship Room, expanded Sound Booth and open up the 2 adjacent Classrooms so the Worship Room can accommodate additional seating. Total seating capacity 650 persons. Stage renovations include a new ADA lift, new Steps and Stage Floor. Demolish the existing Lobby. Additional upgrades include a new 1200-amp Electric Service, HVAC upgrades and Fire Sprinklers thru-out.

New Additions include a new Front Entrance, new larger Lobby, new Men’s and Women’s Public Toilets, new Café and Commercial Kitchen, new Administration Wing with a new Reception Area, and Support Spaces, New large Conference Room, and a new University Office.

Exterior Upgrades include replacement of the existing mansard roof fascia’s, new Parking Lots, new Exterior Lighting, Xeric Landscaping thru-out, and new Café Covered Patio.

Construction starts June 2024, Budget Withheld.