Yavapai Title @ Rio Verde Plaza Renovations
Camp Verde, Arizona
August 2018 – May 2021
A Comprehensive Renovations of an Existing Abandon 6,230 S.F. one story building on Historic Main Street in the Town of Camp Verde, Arizona. The Program called for this building to have 2 functions;
1. New offices for Yavapai Title Company including Entry/ Reception, Open Offices, Private Offices, a Client & Community Conference Room, General Office Area, Staff Lounge & Shared Restrooms.
2. Regional Training Center for both Pioneer Title Company & Yavapai Title Company. This section of the building included Entry/ Reception, Snack/ Cafe Area, Large Open Office space for Title Officer Training, Computer/ Private Spaces, Conference & Meeting Rooms & Large Casual Gathering Space.
Both Functions included Outdoor Covered Patios. The Site Development included a New Parking Lot (36 spaces), a New Building Facade including South Elevation Passive Solar Shading along the entire front facade, Native & Xeric Landscaping including a Rainwater Collection System & Groundwater Detention basins for Groundwater Recharge.
Historically this site was the location of a Raised Water Tank, Well and Windmill that served that part of town. The owners & Town Collaborated to replicate this Historical Water Tank at this location.
The Site Development was sponsored & paid for by “Friends of the Verde River” as a demonstration of water conservation.