Desert Star Community School

Cornville, Arizona

Master Plan for expansion of this Waldorf inspired charter school campus to support the needs of up to 225 students. The School has established a facility development plan and feasibility budget consisting of four phases. The goal of the plan is to establish permanent facilities of ten Classrooms (pre-K through grade 8), a Multi-use Community Hall, Special Program Facilities and Recreation Areas.

Phase I: (completed 12/2012): This Phase has been completed by others prior to the master plan involving construction of a 2 classroom unit for the middle school. The project commenced in September 2012 with a $400,000 loan from the Charter School Development Corporation and $35,000 in School funds.

Phase II: (completed 04/2018) This phase consisted of two primary components;
1. A Multipurpose Community Building constructed to provide space for assemblies, performances, a lunch program, indoor recreation, parent education programs as well as community events for Cornville and the surrounding areas;
2. A Classroom Unit to provide classroom space for a separation of grades which were previously combined.
A significant aspect of this phase involved establishing additional capacity and long term solutions for the electric power, water, and waste treatment needs of the growing School campus.
The budget for this phase was $2,400,000. The Funding was provided by the USDA.

Phase III: Desert Star School’s original facilities consist of three pre-built modular buildings which house four classrooms and School administration, and two former residences converted to temporary classroom space. Construction of First Grade Classroom and administration Building are to replace the temporary modular facilities.
A construction budget has been established and funding is provided by the USDA. Anticipated construction to begin June 2024.

Phase IV: Permanent Kindergarten & Pre-School Building, Classrooms for Grades 3 thru 6 including a Computer Lab/ Library to be built as required to support the full capacity of 225 students.
A budget and funding source has yet to be determined.